Wednesday, November 2, 2016

This one says POISON!!!!!!

DRUG BIUS BREATHED CHLOROFORM Drugs Inhale Chloroform is also a drug that is often used by people because these drugs can have an impact very quickly with outstanding ingredients, drugs or sleeping pills is commonly used for the treatment of people and there is also ...

THE BOTTLE SAYS POISON!!!  Would you want to take something that says Poison??

Pheromone Drops - PERANGSANG CAIR WOMEN Pheromone drops - is a sex stimulant medicine with products Herbal extracts of traditional Chinese medicine and following a secret recipe, salty little taste and can be used in conjunction with non-alcoholic drinks, juice, soup or water ...

Pheromones?  Really?

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Drug Sleeping Beauty (?) Fluid


Sell ​​Drugs Sleep / Drugs Liquid Sleeping Beauty Health Care Product Herbal Made in China Very Powerful efficacious merileksasi And Make Sleep / Fainting and is also believed to stimulate sexual desire of women / men quickly and spontaneously, Sleeping Beauty is suitable for Patients with insomnia (insomnia sleep ), because a liquid form making it easier to use and faster reaction.

With a few drops Drinking Sleeping BeautyCair you will be able to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed and more Fresh, Sleeping Beauty Sleep Medicine Liquid odorless, colorless, tasteless, non-toxic and 100% safe with no side effects whatsoever.

Drug Dosage Sleeping Beauty Fluid:
  • Combine 1/3 Sleep Medicine Liquid Sleeping Beauty into any carbonated drinks
  • Do not use the Mixed Milk, Coconut Water, alcohol and the like.
  • 1 Sleep Medicine Bottle Liquid Sleeping Beauty can be used for 2 to 3 times the consumption, depending on your usage.
  • After the drink until they run out then within 2 minutes immediately react sleepiness and sexual passion rises quickly and spontaneously.
Origin Drug Sleeping Beauty Fluid:
  • South China
Liquid Sleep Drug Price Sleeping Beauty:
  • Rp. 250,000; - / Bottle Netto 15 Ml Liquid Sleeping Beauty Sleep Medicine

Friday, September 30, 2016

Sex Drugs Liquid Liquid

LIQUID SEX is a Drug That Shaped Liquid Sex, Drugs Made in Germany Could this make women and men Fainting In Few Minutes Alone (3-4 minutes).  

LIQUID SEX While you anything - just apain Target you will not wake During 5-6 hours, sometimes more, but it could also be to anesthetize people who want to be raped (Not recommended)

Drug Form Liquid LIQUID SEX It is odorless, tasteless, colorless and nontoxic, (So It Safely).

How to use:
1 bottle can be used for many times, simply put in water to drink anything but milk and coconut water, is more effective in a fizzy drink. and within 3-4 minutes after drinking it immediately reacts to your target like tepar and sprawl.

Please do not use this Liquid Drugs in people who had known or misuse of this drug.
Whether in use for Close Friends or boyfriend Alone ... ..
Liquid Drug For Women.

Liquid Sex
Made In: Germany
Netto: 15ml / bottle
1.Botol Rp. 250.000, -
3.Botol Rp. 500.000, -
6.Botol Rp. 900.000, -

The original import products from Germany Liquid Liquid Sex Drugs Male / Female ready to serve you .... !!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Drug Chlorofil Spray


Drugs for serious Spray N / does not serve a lot of questions (because certainly know the point of why) if there is a sms / call containing the element to be used to crime will immediately cancel.

How to use enough of it like perfume spray and dose dependent effects of many least sprayed. commonly used by surgeons

Hard Drugs CAUTION !!! Not to play "... !!!
Do not be used for evil and so are under no obligation (Recommended)

Drug Spray (Chlorofil)
Origin: Germany
Netto: 100ml
Price: Rp. 350.000, -  

The original import products from Germany Chlorofil Drug Spray / Spray Ready To Serve You .... !!!!

WARNING ... !!!
Liver With Fraud False Market Place.
Only Here Chlorofil Drug Spray / Spray genuine products made in Germany

Friday, July 1, 2016

Stimulant drugs Chewing Gum (Really???)

Stimulant drugs are drugs Stimulant Chewing Gum # 1 in the world, reaction 5 Minutes and the guarantee of the Target will Stimulate ....

Quick reaction and does not smell, feels like chewing Happydent White or cricet, NATURAL MENTHOL Taste, Just like the original flavor, menthol semriwing chill ..... but his usefulness in the guarantee Steady ... !!!!!

Guarantee 100% PUASSS .... In five minutes can make Stimulate Target, definitely better ... !!!

Excess Medicinal Chewing Gum Stimulators are:
* Not Suspicious because the appearance is unique and familiar
* It feels good like gum usually
* No Need Drinking Water
* Can In use whenever you want
* Practical No Need to Fear Sweepstakes
* And many other advantages ....

1sachet Live kasihkan to the target, you are offered the candy, then let me chew, such as chewing gum that you know, then wait 5 minutes, a target's definitely stimulating ...  

Stimulants Gum
1 Box Content: 5 sachets
Country of Origin: China
Price: Rp. 150.000, -

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Drug soporific powder (what a joke!)


Drug Powder, Powder It Can make Fainting in a few seconds Saja, and that even though you what - apain any targets you will not wake up for 4 to 5 hours, sometimes more, but it may also be able to anesthetize people who want to be raped (I only give information only and not to have to do it)

Drug Powder Shaped It is odorless, tasteless, but colored (white Aman).

1 sachet can be used enough for 2-3 times of use, simply put in any water and COCONUT MILK OTHER THAN YOUNG, and within a short time after drinking it immediately reacts to the drug target.

CAUTION! ! ! .Tolong Drugs Do not use this powder to the people who had known or misuse of this drug.

Whether in use for Close Friends or boyfriend Alone ... ..

Drug Powder
1 Package Contents 4 Sachet
Price: Rp. 250.000, -  

The original import products from Germany soporific Drug Powder Male / Female ready to serve you .... !!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sugar Water like "Ginseng Fly" in the USA!

" DROP SEX " female stimulant.
Liquid female stimulant severest in the world above all in Germany, " DROP SEX " pake often at the porn actresses in the world to arouse sexual stimulation spontaneously and instantaneously.

" Sex Drop " is a liquid that is odorless, tasteless and colorless.

One bottle of " Sex Drop " can be used for once or twice
disposable, simply put in any water, except for milk and coconut water, but better in drinking water containing soda like sprite, fanta, coca-cola and the like.

Within 15 minutes after the drink then reacted libido rises with sepontan and aroused.

CAIR stimulants DROP SEX
Made in: Germany
1 Box content: 3 Bottles / 5ml
PROMO Price: Rp. 250,000, -